Body to body massage



A body to body massage is a kind of erotic massage that has a unique approach. In a body to body massage, our masseuse will use her whole body to stimulate the client. Instead of just using her hands, she will use her body in a series of rubs, strokes, rolls and glides to massage the client. It is a truly special style of massage.

Because of the total bare skin contact, a body to body massage is highly erotic and sexual.

It can also help awaken the spark and chemistry between lovers, whether old or new. It can allow you to explore your sexuality and discover surprising parts of your body that turn you on.Try our massage for couples.

This erotic massage offers a wealth of benefits, ranging from physical to psychological and emotional:

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Boosts immune system
  • Improves efficiency of digestive system
  • Helps skin condition (e.g. reduces appearance of scars, stretch marks and cellulite)
  • Helps muscle aches and strains
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Helps with intimacy and trust issues
  • Promotes an overall healthy mental wellbeing
  • Improves sex drive
  • Reduces erectile dysfunction and sexual impotence
  • Pain relief from urinary and prostate problems.







1 Masseuse
30 min 1700 Kč 74 €
60 min 2200 Kč 96 €
90 min 2900 Kč 127 €
120 min 3800 Kč 166 €

You can add extra services.
Prostate massage, Private dance.

See complete pricelist.

2 Masseuses
30 min 2500 Kč 105 €
60 min 3200 Kč 134 €
90 min 4700 Kč 196 €
120 min 6000 Kč 250 €

You can add extra services.
Prostate massage, Private dance.

See complete pricelist.


Malina SPA